02 September 2016

Adventure #12: SansPoetry

SansPoetry is my store! I opened my Etsy store today when my debit card came. (Yes, I know. I paid with cash for everything in high school, I don't know how I made it through.)

So I am officially open for business! I have a few bookmarks listed and am working on listing more. Several are made, I just have to input a lot of information about every item so it takes a while.

I'm also working on getting custom orders up and running, just waiting on some paper samples so that I can use the same kind for the custom orders.

For now, if anybody has any quotes they'd really like to see (either to purchase or just cause someone needs to hear them), share them with me in the comments! :)

To anyone who is interested, here is the link to my store: SansPoetry
And photos of my Royal 10 ca 1924 typewriter!

Sew beautiful ^.^