12 October 2016

Adventure #26: Long Walks on the Beach

My wonderful cousins and aunt took me to the beach at Chambers Bay today! It was grey and perfect outside. We could hear harbor seals, and even got to watch one catch a fish. And then he ate it! Yay seals!

We also made a game out of finding the weirdest things that we could on the beach. There were many. Such a great day with my crazy family <3

Locked in Love

Sea Snot? Ocean Barf?


Just a Corn Cob

Missed the Party

I said, "It's bigger than you!" but she didn't hear me.
So she said, "It's bigger than me!"
Also his name was Gary.
She said we took him to the moon.
I told her I'd be sure to inform the world.
She didn't believe me.

Through  the Grate and Down Below