Yeah, I watched Supernatural with my sister practically all day. I guess I did do a few adult things, like laundry, printing an application, doing the dishes, and contacting my eye doctor... I also played Pokemon. While I watched Supernatural. It was wonderful.
Also, Imitation Game is on Netflix, and I desperately need to watch it with someone. Preferably someone who hasn't seen it yet, but I can compromise. My parents didn't know I was coming home yesterday, so they watched it without me :'/ I'll survive, though, don't you worry. This one's a fighter. Most days.
Hmmm... Other updates? My first Etsy sale should have been delivered today, so hopefully I'll hear back from the customer about what she thinks :) In other news, I'm planning on moving out (again) tomorrow. I left last week and then came back home the next day so that I could get ready for this last minute road trip xD So this is more for real now. Scary and exciting. Will post updates. Still have more laundry to do.
And I believe that's all for now! Have a lovely rest of your night, dear readers <3